Wednesday, August 27, 2008

House to myself!!!

The house is mine for four days!
What should I do???

Here is my list: Pay renter's insurance, do laundry (check!), clean room, have orgy, drink vodka (check!), post new blogs (check!), listen to the Twins, walk around naked, sleep lots, wash dishes (check!), write a song, ummmmmmm I need more ideas.


May said...

1) boring, what are you, responsible?
2) at least you smell better now
3) boring, what are you, responsible?
4) film it
5) don't drink too much, it will mess up the orgy. PS make sure you have plenty of clean towels. the laundry probs took care of that but I read that somewhere.
6) try to make it interesting this time
7) this can be accomplished during the aforementioned orgy
8) good for recovering from orgy. and vodka
9) boring. what are you, responsible?
10) try to make it interesting this time

Randy Crouton said...

I think you skipped one.

May said...

1) boring, what are you, responsible?
2) at least you smell better now
3) boring, what are you, responsible?
4) film it
5) don't drink too much, it will mess up the orgy. PS make sure you have plenty of clean towels. the laundry probs took care of that but I read that somewhere.
6) try to make it interesting this time
7) invite the Twins to the orgy. You will make more money this way
8) this can be accomplished during the aforementioned orgy
9) good for recovering from orgy. and vodka
10) boring. what are you, responsible?
11) try to make it interesting this time