Thursday, August 28, 2008

Post about music

One of the things I love about my quest for musical enlightenment is how certain bands don't make sense at one point, but after listening to other bands, the initial band makes perfect sense.

For example, I pretty much dismissed Captain Beefheart after a couple listens. Fleetwood Mac always seemed super cheesy, until OMG "Tusk" is such a good album OMG. Nick Drake used to seem quite ordinary to me. I don't know how I got to a point where I could appreciate these artists, but I'm sure glad I can.

What's next for me? I suppose I am still completely mystified by "Trout Mask Replica". We'll see.


May said...

Oh dude Blink 182 is gonna BLOW YR MIND

Randy Crouton said...

Oh yeah, I listened to that one song by them when I committed suicide once.

Randy Crouton said...

P.S. Don't be a bitch