Tuesday, August 26, 2008

PuzzleFood, where have you been all my life?

I love sunflower seeds. I love pistachio nuts. I think the only thing more addicting than their flavor is the process of cracking the shells in order to get to the actual nut meat.

I really wish there was more of a variety of foods that were not only delicious but fun and exciting to eat... Maybe a Sudoku puzzle that spit out Cheetos every time you filled in a box correctly or maze that you followed with your tongue in your mouth to lead you to a perfectly heated miniature corn dog.

PuzzleFood could be a great way to teach kids not to be picky eaters. It would also be good for people who are dieting because if the puzzles were hard enough, then it would be almost impossible for the person to overeat.

The world has been looking at food the wrong way for all of time so far.

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