Monday, August 25, 2008


File Under: (Bad) Ideas

Today I went to my local Wells Fargo branch to deposit a check. I thought about just depositing it via the ATM machine outside, but I decided to experience Wells Fargo's customer service and went inside. I waited in line for 10 minutes and then a manager pulled me out of line and brought me to her desk to process my deposit.

So I get to thinking... It sure would be cool if there were a sexy bank... like the Hooters of banks, where all the tellers were gorgeous and seductive and flirty. I'm thinking that you'd have to have a certain amount of money to bank there, and that there would have to be some sort of screening process, but it would be nice to go to the bank in that sort of environment, wouldn't it? Ugh.

I was going to post about PuzzleFood, which was another idea I had today, but I'm too lazy.

I don't have much blogging stamina yet.

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